Newly added rows to the table after filtering remain visible

I am currently using the DataTable API and jQuery to create a table by fetching rows from the server. However, I encounter an issue when I click a button to load additional rows and append them to the end of the table. The problem arises when I try to hide certain columns: the initial rows lose the hidden columns, but the ones loaded later are not affected by the filters. How can I resolve this issue? Upon further investigation, I discovered that the filtering function retrieves all rows, not just the initial ones.

var data = $(this).dataTable().toArray();
  if ($this.prop("checked") === false) {
    data.forEach(function (element) {
} else {
  data.forEach(function (element) {

Adding the remaining rows

var tbody = $("#tbody-" + $this.attr("data-parent-id"));
var dt = tbody.parents(".bizon-datatable").DataTable();
$(result).filter("tr").each(function (i, v) {


Answer №1

It's important to remember that each operates on the existing set of items when the selector is run. If there are initially 10 rows, each will only apply to those 10 rows and any additional rows added later will not be affected by each.

The same principle applies to filter. It only works on elements returned by the selector at the time it is executed, not on any future elements added. The selector only picks DOM elements that match at the time of execution and does not extend to any new DOM elements added later. Therefore, you need to re-select DOM elements after adding new ones if you want filters or conditions to apply to all current DOM elements.

To solve this issue, you will have to re-apply the filter after adding rows or re-run the each if new rows have been added.

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