New space is formed as the input box gains focus on the signin field

I'm currently working on a sign-in page and implementing JQuery. Everything seems to be functioning properly except for a minor issue. The problem is that when the password field gains focus, it creates extra space in IE 8 and later versions only.

The main goal is to prevent the creation of space when the password field gains focus on IE 8 during sign-in.

Here are some images to illustrate the issue:

Before the mouse is focused [IE 8].

After the mouse is focused [IE 8].

Here is my HTML code:

<input name="ctl00$logInBox$UserName" type="text" maxlength="256" id="ctl00_logInBox_UserName" class="userName" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Username" />
<input name="ctl00$logInBox$Password_TXT" type="text" maxlength="256" id="ctl00_logInBox_Password_TXT" class="password" autocomplete="off" value="Password" style="display:none" />
<input name="ctl00$logInBox$Password" type="password" maxlength="256" id="ctl00_logInBox_Password" class="password" autocomplete="off" value="" />

And here is the JQuery code for this:

<script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {


                $('#ctl00_logInBox_Password_TXT').focus(function () {

                $('#ctl00_logInBox_Password').blur(function () {
                    if ($(this).val() == "") {



Here is the CSS portion:

.login .field input.userName, .login .field input.password {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #e9e9e9;
    border: 1px solid #e4e4e4;
    width: 18.3em !important; /*width value changed by sakthivel*/
    display: inline-block;
    line-height: 1.4 !important;
    font-size: 15px !important;
    width: 309px !important;
    padding: 5px 8px 6px !important;
    color: #808080;

Answer №1

To rectify this issue, there needs to be a unique style applied to the :focus. To troubleshoot, open Google Chrome, access dev tools, inspect the div element, and select the option labeled :foc. This will simulate focus without actually focusing on the item, allowing you to analyze the CSS properties on the right panel for any potential causes.

It would also be beneficial to create a fiddle for others to test and provide assistance.

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