Neglecting images on Zoom

Looking to scale up the elements on an HTML page by 50%, without affecting the resolution of images. Despite trying zoom: 150% in CSS3, it ends up zooming pictures as well, resulting in blurry visuals. Is there a way to enlarge all HTML components while keeping images at their original size?

Answer №1

Applying a scale transformation to an element results in the magnification being applied not only to the element itself but also to all of its children. This behavior is consistent across most browsers, except for IE (as far as I know).

In order to achieve your desired effect, you should only scale specific elements:

  • Elements that are not img and do not contain any descendant img elements.

This can be accomplished using jQuery:

$("button").click(function () {
    $("*").each(function (index, value) {
        var $this = $(value);

        // Check if it's not an image and does not contain child images
        if (!$"img") && 
            $this.find("img").length == 0) {

            // Scale it up
                '-webkit-transform': 'scale(1.5)',
                '-moz-transform': 'scale(1.5)',
                '-o-transform': 'scale(1.5)',
                '-ms-transform': 'scale(1.5)',
                'transform': 'scale(1.5)'

You can view this action live here.

Alternatively, you can also use:

        $this.css('zoom', '1.5');

Instead of:

            '-webkit-transform': 'scale(1.5)',
            '-moz-transform': 'scale(1.5)',
            '-o-transform': 'scale(1.5)',
            '-ms-transform': 'scale(1.5)',
            'transform': 'scale(1.5)'

Answer №2

To improve the appearance, experiment with transform: scale(1.5);. Give it a try!

Answer №3

One simple method is to include the following CSS code:

body {
    transform: scale(1.5);

img {
    transform: scale(0.67);

However, this approach may not work effectively for background images or elements that are not image tags.

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