Necessity of "position: relative" in Bootstrap 4 Scrollspy

According to the Bootstrap 4 website, Scrollspy has certain requirements for use. One of these requirements is that "Scrollspy requires position: relative on the element you’re spying on, usually the ."

Interestingly, it appears that Scrollspy can still function properly without body {position:relative} when the element being spied upon is the focus.

A Scrollspy example from W3Schools demonstrates this point: W3Schools' Scrollspy example

Even after removing body {position:relative} from the style and running the code, the Scrollspy feature continues to work seamlessly.

Take a look at the non-body{position:relative} version of the W3Schools example here: W3Schools' Scrollspy example without position:relative

I'm curious if anyone can explain why the example functions as intended even when body {position:relative} is not present?

Answer №1

The body tag operates effectively without needing the attribute position:relative, as it automatically encompasses the entire view port. By default, it uses position:static, similar to other elements, while position:relative is the default for specific tasks.

In the case of the <body> tag, position:relative is not essential for functionality, unlike in other elements, as indicated in the W3Schools documentation for utilizing BootStrap4 scrollspy.

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