Navigating to an element within a span tag: Selenium

Hey there! I'm currently working on automating a task in Selenium WebDriver using Java, and I need to figure out how to click on a specific button that has the text "€11" on it.

This button is embedded within this structure, and there happens to be another button on the same page with identical code but a different price:

<button type="button" class="bui-button bui-spacer--medium bui-button--primary bui-button--wide">
<span class="bui-button__text">€11</span>

If you have any advice or suggestions on how I can achieve this, I would greatly appreciate your help :)

Here's the full CSS for reference

Answer №1

Here are some suggestions that might be useful

Vanilla JS:



$("body > button.btn-primary > span").click()

Selenium (Python):

driver.find_element(By.cssSelector("button[class='btn btn-success']").click()

I hope these solutions work for you!

Answer №2

Here are a couple of options you can consider:


To click the first button:


For clicking the second button:


Please remember to use waits if there are any delays in loading the amount.

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