Navigating through Expression Engine and utilizing conditional statements

Would greatly appreciate some assistance with this issue. I am working on an Expression Engine website and encountering difficulties with simple conditionals for navigation active states. Despite having a color state designated within the styles, there seems to be a problem with the actual "if statements" themselves as they are not rendering correctly in the code when inspected (the navigation is embedded).

<nav class="group" role="navigation">
    <ul id="nav" class="group">
        <li class="first"><a {if segment_1 == ""} class="active" {/if}  href="{site_url}"><strong>Now</strong></a></li>
        <li><a {if segment_1 == "articles"} class="active" {/if} href="/articles/"><strong>articles</strong></a></li>
        <li><a {if segment_2 == "readings"} class="active" {/if} href="/book-readings/readings"><strong>books</strong></a></li>
        <li class="last"><a {if segment_2 == "readings"} class="active" {/if} href="/shelf/readings"><strong>shelf</strong></a></li>

Answer №1

Give this a try:

<nav class="group" role="navigation">
    <ul id="nav" class="group">
        <li class="first"><a {if "{segment_1}" == ""} class="active" {/if}  href="{site_url}"><strong>Now</strong></a></li>
        <li><a {if "{segment_1}" == "articles"} class="active" {/if} href="/articles/"><strong>articles</strong></a></li>
        <li><a {if "{segment_2}" == "readings"} class="active" {/if} href="/book-readings/readings"><strong>books</strong></a></li>
        <li class="last"><a {if "{segment_2}" == "readings"} class="active" {/if} href="/shelf/readings"><strong>shelf</strong></a></li>

To clarify, you mentioned:

they render in the code

My understanding was that you were referring to all of them, hence I suggested wrapping the variables in quotes and curly brackets. However, there may be an issue with the last 2 conditions always being matched together. If this is indeed the problem, then you should compare both segments like this:

        <li><a {if "{segment_1}" == "book-readings" && "{segment_2}" == "readings"} class="active" {/if} href="/book-readings/readings"><strong>books</strong></a></li>
        <li class="last"><a {if "{segment_1}" == "shelf" && "{segment_2}" == "readings"} class="active" {/if} href="/shelf/readings"><strong>shelf</strong></a></li>

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