Navigating through a ul list within a designated div area

Within this div, there is a <ul> containing multiple items. The div itself has a CSS class for styling purposes.

I am looking to implement scrolling on the div as the number of items in the <ul> grows.

I attempted using jScrollPane but without success. Can anyone provide guidance on how to enable scrolling on a div or ul?

Answer №1

<div style="height:100px;overflow-y:scroll">
            <li style="height:15px:">text1</li>
            <li style="height:15px:">text2</li>
            <li style="height:15px:">text3</li>
            <li style="height:15px:">text4</li>
            <li style="height:15px:">text5</li>
            <li style="height:15px:">text6</li>
            <li style="height:15px:">text7</li>
            <li style="height:15px:">text8</li>
            <li style="height:15px:">text9</li>
            <li style="height:15px:">text10</li>



Answer №2

adjust the div's height to a fixed size.
enable scrolling when content overflows.


keep in mind that if the content exceeds 150 pixels in height, a scroll bar will automatically appear within the div.

<div class='divScroll'>

Answer №3

When working with CSS, you have the ability to specify a specific height for an element and enable scrolling when necessary.

ul.someclass (or ul#someid)
{height: px;   //enter desired height//
overflow-y: scroll;}  //use overflow-x if you need horizontal scrolling, or just 'overflow' for both directions//

This should solve the issue :)

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