Navigating a table while keeping headers in place at the top

Trying to construct a table where the thead remains fixed while the tbody scrolls. Utilizing percentages and fixed width for cell size determination, aiming for uniformity and alignment between percentage td's and thead headers.

Referenced JSFiddle documenting the issue: JSFiddle

.main-wrapper {
  overflow-y: scroll;
  height: 300px;
  border: 1px solid blue;

.content-wrapper {
  height: 500px;

.table {
  width: 100%;
  table-layout: fixed;

.table.content {
  margin-bottom: 15px;

.header {
  position: fixed;

.cell {
  border: 1px solid red;
  width: 100%;
  height: 15px;

.medium {
  width: 100px;

.small {
  width: 50px;
<div class="main-wrapper">
  <div class="content-wrapper">
    <table class="table header">
          <th class="cell medium">A</th>
          <th class="cell small">B</th>
          <th class="cell">C</th>
          <th class="cell">D</th>
          <th class="cell">E</th>
          <th class="cell">F</th>
          <th class="cell">G</th>
          <th class="cell">H</th>
          <th class="cell">I</th>
          <th class="cell small">J</th>
    <table class="table content">
          <td class="cell medium">A</td>
          <td class="cell small">B</td>
          <td class="cell">C</td>
          <td class="cell">D</td>
          <td class="cell">E</td>
          <td class="cell">F</td>
          <td class="cell">G</td>
          <td class="cell">H</td>
          <td class="cell">I</td>
          <td class="cell small">J</td>
          <td class="cell medium">A</td>
          <td class="cell small">B</td>
          <td class="cell">C</td>
          <td class="cell">D</td>
          <td class="cell">E</td>
          <td class="cell">F</td>
          <td class="cell">G</td>
          <td class="cell">H</td>
          <td class="cell">I</td>
          <td class="cell small">J</td>
          <td class="cell medium">A</td>
          <td class="cell small">B</td>
          <td class="cell">C</td>
          <td class="cell">D</td>
          <td class="cell">E</td>
          <td class="cell">F</td>
          <td class="cell">G</td>
          <td class="cell">H</td>
          <td class="cell">I</td>
          <td class="cell small">J</td>
          <td class="cell medium">A</td>
          <td class="cell small">B</td>
          <td class="cell">C</td>
          <td class="cell">D</td>
          <td class="cell">E</td>
          <td class="cell">F</td>
          <td class="cell">G</td>
          <td class="cell">H</td>
          <td class="cell">I</td>
          <td class="cell small">J</td>

If the position: fixed is removed, the display aligns correctly but the thread does not stay at the top.

Answer №1

I believe achieving this effect solely through CSS is not possible.

I have attempted to do so in the past and after extensive research, I was unable to find a solution.

In my opinion, the best approach would involve using JavaScript and Divs instead of tables.

Fortunately, there are plugins available that can help us accomplish this, such as fixedheadertable

Answer №2

In the event that you opt not to utilize a <thead> tag within your table, an alternative approach would be to implement the position:sticky property. This will enable you to preserve the width of your cells without removing the header cells from the html flow (by using fixed positioning).

You can achieve this by following the code snippet provided below:

.main-wrapper {
  overflow-y: scroll;
  height: 300px;
  border: 1px solid blue;

.content-wrapper {
  height: 500px;

.table {
  width: 100%;
  table-layout: fixed;

.table.content {
  margin-bottom: 15px;

  position: sticky;

.cell {
  border: 1px solid red;
  width: 100%;
  height: 15px;

.medium {
  width: 100px;

.small { 
  width: 50px;
<div class="main-wrapper">
  <div class="content-wrapper">
    <table class="table header">       
          <th class="cell medium">A</th>
          <th class="cell small">B</th>
          <th class="cell">C</th>
          <th class="cell">D</th>
          <th class="cell">E</th>
          <th class="cell">F</th>
          <th class="cell">G</th>
          <th class="cell">H</th>
          <th class="cell">I</th>
          <th class="cell small">J</th>
          <td class="cell medium">A</td>
          <td class="cell small">B</td>
          <td class="cell">C</td>
          <td class="cell">D</td>
          <td class="cell">E</td>
          <td class="cell">F</td>
          <td class="cell">G</td>
          <td class="cell">H</td>
          <td class="cell">I</td>
          <td class="cell small">J</td>
          <td class="cell medium">A</td>
          <td class="cell small">B</td>
          <td class="cell">C</td>
          <td class="cell">D</td>
          <td class="cell">E</td>
          <td class="cell">F</td>
          <td class="cell">G</td>
          <td class="cell">H</td>
          <td class="cell">I</td>
          <td class="cell small">J</td>
          <td class="cell medium">A</td>
          <td class="cell small">B</td>
          <td class="cell">C</td>
          <td class="cell">D</td>
          <td class="cell">E</td>
          <td class="cell">F</td>
          <td class="cell">G</td>
          <td class="cell">H</td>
          <td class="cell">I</td>
          <td class="cell small">J</td>
          <td class="cell medium">A</td>
          <td class="cell small">B</td>
          <td class="cell">C</td>
          <td class="cell">D</td>
          <td class="cell">E</td>
          <td class="cell">F</td>
          <td class="cell">G</td>
          <td class="cell">H</td>
          <td class="cell">I</td>
          <td class="cell small">J</td>

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