Nav bar displaying CSS and HTML <a> tags

I am encountering a new issue that I have not faced before and I am seeking some guidance on it. The problem is with a navigation bar displayed at the top of a webpage. When the code is executed, the browser automatically adds 'a' tags which disrupt the alignment of my links. I need to figure out how to prevent this unwanted behavior. Below is an example showcasing the code.

Here's My Code:

    <ul id="LevelMenu">
        <?php if($currentuser['userlevel']==0) { ?>
        <li><a href="register.html">Register New Account</a></li>
        <?php } else { 
                if($currentuser['userlevel']==1) { ?>
        <li><a href="inactive.php">Account Panel<a></li>
                <?php } else { ?>
        <li><a href="user.php">Account Panel<a></li>
            <?php if($currentuser['userlevel']>2) { ?>
        <li><a href="admin.php">Administration</a></li>
            <?php }
                } ?>
        <li><a href="php/logout.php">Log Out</a></li>
        <li><a href="addarticle.php" id="addarticle">Add Article</a></li>
        <?php } ?>

Code Displayed in Browser:

    <ul id="LevelMenu">
                  <a href="user.php">Account Panel</a>
                  <a href="index.php">Home</a>
                  <a href="admin.php">Administration</a>
                  <a href="index.php">Home</a>
                  <a href="php/logout.php">Log Out</a>
                  <a href="addarticle.php" id="addarticle">Add Article</a>


Answer №1

Here is the issue with these lines:

<li><a href="inactive.php">Account Panel<a></li>

The <a> tags are not being closed properly, as a new opening tag is being used instead of a closing tag. The correct way to write this is:

<li><a href="inactive.php">Account Panel</a></li>

The same problem exists in the following line:

<li><a href="user.php">Account Panel<a></li>

Answer №2

Make sure to properly close your anchor tag.
The correct format should be <a href = "" ></a>

You are currently doing it like this:

  <li><a href="inactive.php">Account Panel<a></li>  

Instead, fix it like this:

  <li><a href="inactive.php">Account Panel</a></li> 

Check all other places where you may have the same issue.

For more information on anchor tags, refer to the W3 Documentation.

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