Mysterious issue with loading images in HTML and PHP

I've been dealing with a puzzling issue on my website design project. The logo image won't load in Firefox unless you hover over the ALT text, then it finally appears. However, this isn't an issue in IE where the logo displays properly.

This problem just appeared out of nowhere and I can't figure out a solution. I even tried changing the logo to no avail.

Has anyone else encountered a similar situation before? Any tips on how to troubleshoot and fix this?

EDIT: I've also implemented .htaccess/.htpasswd for added security during the site setup process.

Answer №1

Have you ever noticed if the logo is positioned absolutely or statically in relation to items with position: relative? It's interesting how this can sometimes occur in certain situations.

Answer №2

UPDATE: Disregard my previous mistake, as it seems to be occurring sporadically. The temporary fix I applied only worked for a few refreshes.

I encountered an issue with a jquery script in my website's code. Initially, I had the following setup within the HEAD tag:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

The scroll.js script relies on the scrollfollow.js plugin. After rearranging the lines so that scrollfollow.js loaded first, the problem regarding the LOGO gif file was resolved.

Is there anyone who can provide insight into why this solution worked?

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