My objective is to show unique items in a list and eliminate any duplicates

I am looking for a way to display items in a list only once if they are repeated, and remove any items that are not repeated. What is the best approach to achieve this? Take into consideration the following function:

    var symptomname = $('#symptomname').val();

    $.getJSON('', { SymptomName: symptomname }, function (data) {

        var tasks = $.parseJSON(data.d);
        $.each(tasks, function (key, value) {

            $('<div data-role="collapsible" data-content-theme="a" data-collapsed="true"><h3>' + value.DiseaseName +
         '</h3><ul data-role="listview" id="search1ListView" data-inset="true" data-theme="a"><li><strong>Detail:</strong><span> '
          + value.Descr +

            // refreshing collapsible created dynamically "its necessary to refresh for a jQuery look and feel"
            $('div[data-role=collapsible]').collapsible({ theme: 'a', refresh: true });

            $("#clear").click(function () {


Answer №1

If you want to clean up your data and remove any duplicates, consider implementing the following code snippet:

 let items = $.parseJSON(inputData);
items = [ Set(items)]; // This line will eliminate duplicate entries.

Once this is done, proceed with your loop.

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