After searching and trying various solutions for a specific problem on Firefox, I have come across many similar questions but none of the solutions seem to work. The issue seems to be isolated to just one page rather than affecting all pages in Firefox. I have a simple HTML page structured like this:
<meta charset="utf-8">
font-family: 'BYekan';
src: url('') format('eot'), /* IE68 */
url('') format('woff'), /* FF3.6+, IE9, Chrome6+, Saf5.1+*/
url('') format('truetype'); /* Saf35, Chrome4+, FF3.5, Opera 10+ */
font-family: 'BYekan',tahoma !important;
text-align: right;
While Safari displays the custom font correctly, Firefox fails to do so for this particular page only. Other websites with custom fonts seem to render fine on Firefox, leaving me puzzled as to why my page is an exception to this rule. Any insights into what went wrong would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.