My content is being obstructed by a single-page navigation system

I attempted to create a simplified version of the issue I am facing. Basically, I am working on a header with navigation that stays at the top of the page while scrolling.

The problem arises when clicking on a section in the navigation. The screen scrolls to the selected section but the navigation obscures half of the content at the top, requiring the user to scroll up slightly to see everything clearly. I have used lorem ipsum as a placeholder for the content.

How can I adjust the browser position so that when a user clicks on a navigation button, the window is positioned correctly?

Check out my example here

Answer №1


To achieve this effect using only HTML/CSS, a workaround like Kommodore's suggestion would be necessary. However, for optimal functionality, JavaScript is the ideal solution.

By incorporating jQuery and with some planning ahead:

  // Button 1 initiates the interaction
  $(".button1").click(function() {
    // Utilizing jQuery Animate and ScrollTop...
    $('html, body').animate({
        // Directing user to div1
        // Including an offset from the top of the window minus 50px
        // `-50` should align with the header's height
        scrollTop: $("#div1").offset().top-50
    // 500 represents the duration in milliseconds for the `Animate` interaction
    }, 500); 

Another approach could involve combining jQuery plugins such as ScrollTo and LocalScroll.

I have implemented a functional CodePen based on your initial code. The JavaScript may require further refinement, but it demonstrates the concept effectively.

Answer №2

To achieve this, consider inserting a new div element as a buffer with the CSS property height: 140px before each existing div (which will need to be referenced instead of the original div) or utilizing margin-top: 140px for each individual div.

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