Moving object sideways in 100px intervals

I'm struggling to solve this issue.

Currently, I have multiple div elements (each containing some content) that I need to drag and drop horizontally. However, I specifically want them to move in increments of 100px (meaning the left position should be at 0, 100, 200, etc). Picture a background table with cells that are 100px wide, where you can only place the element in another cell, except there is no actual table structure.

Since I am utilizing Vue, jQuery is not an option for me.

Answer №1

I'll guide you in the right direction without writing the code for you.

To get started, make sure to pay attention to the mousedown and mouseup events on the particular element:

<div v-on="{ mousedown, mouseup }">Some content</div>

After that, set up a listener for mousemove when mousedown occurs, and remove the listener when mouseup happens:

methods: {
    mousemove(e) {
        const moved = e.offsetX - this.startX;
        // Perform calculations based on the movement
    mousedown(e) {
        this.startX = e.offsetX;

    mouseup(e) {

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