Move the text underneath a specific span

Prevent text from being pushed to one side below a span.

The content below the "Header" is currently aligned with the end of the "Header" instead of starting on a new line.

Instead of :

It should be:

Check out the following fiddle :

Do I need to float the text below the header to the right somehow?

Code snippet in the fiddle:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src=""></script>
<noscript><a href="">This is very long test question to test how polldaddy handles questions that exceed that normal length............ yes a very long question indeed..............</a></noscript>

.pds-question-top {
font-size:10pt !important;
padding-top:1px !important;
padding-bottom:1px !important;
margin-top:1px !important;
margin-bottom:1px !important;

.pds-pd-link, .pds-comments {
display:none !important;

.pds-box {
width:220px !important;

.pds-input-label {
width:85% !important;

.PDS_Poll {

.pds-answer-span {

.pds-vote {

.pds-answer-text {
padding-top:1px !important;
padding-bottom:1px !important;
margin-top:1px !important;
margin-bottom:1px !important;

.pds-answer-feedback {
padding-top:1px !important;
padding-bottom:1px !important;
margin-top:1px !important;
margin-bottom:1px !important;

.pds-votebutton-outer {

.pds-answer-group {
padding-top:1px !important;
padding-bottom:1px !important;
margin-top:1px !important;
margin-bottom:1px !important;

.pds-input-label,.pds-answer-input {

.pds-view-results,.pds-links {
color:#FFF !important;
padding-top:1px !important;
padding-bottom:1px !important;
margin-top:1px !important;
margin-bottom:1px !important;

.pds-comments,.pds-return-poll {
color:#FFF !important;

.pds-links {
    display: inline !important;
.pds-pd-link {
display: none !important;
.pds-box {
    width: 220px !important;
    width: auto! important;

.pds-question-top {padding:0 !important}

$(document).ready(function() {

    $('.pds-question-inner').prepend('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size: 15px;float:left">Header</span>');

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