Move one div to reveal another underneath

I currently have a div housing various products that can be added by clicking the add link. Whenever the add link is clicked, an information message appears briefly before fading out after 4 seconds.

This message shows up at the top of the childbox-content div, which may not be visible to the user if they scroll down in the div and interact with one of the last li elements.

My inquiry is how I could make the info div slide under the "Test" header instead of where it currently appears. The header is always in view for the user.

For reference, please check out this jsFiddle

EDIT: Additionally, I am experiencing difficulties getting the info div to display properly on the jsFiddle after clicking the add link. Unsure about the reason behind this issue.

Answer №1

Initially, the class assigned to each link in the HTML is .hprlink, however, it should be just hprlink. Simply remove the period as it is used in CSS selectors to target classes rather than defining them.

Furthermore, consider implementing JQuery's slideUp function to conceal the infoDiv:

Check out this working example on Fiddle

Answer №2

If you simply relocate the infoDiv into the header div, it should resolve the issue.

<div class="header">
        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span><span style="margin-left:5px;">test</span>
    <div id='infoDiv' class='alert alert-info alert-dismissable'>
    <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='alert' aria-hidden='true'>&times;</button>
    just an information message.............

I've made corrections to all instances of

  <a href="#" class="hprlink">add</a>

To ensure your fiddle functions properly. The period before the class name shouldn't be there.

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