Modifying the color of a non-active tab - Material UI Tabs

Is there a way to customize the color of inactive tabs in Material UI tabs?

I have noticed that they currently appear black, as shown in the screenshot here: screenshot

Thank you!

Answer №1

Instead of manually setting the values with bright colors, I recommend using the sx={{ }} property along with the style={{ }} property when working on your project. You can easily replace my hard-coded values with constants from your theme. It's good practice to avoid uploading images of code snippets for better accessibility and readability.

    aria-label="zak example tabs"
      style: {
        backgroundColor: "#0000FF",
      color: "#FF0000",
      "& button:hover": { background: "#00FF00", color: "#FFF" },
      "& button.Mui-selected": { background: "#FF0000", color: "#FFF" },
    <Tab label="Website Traffic" {...a11yProps(0)} />
    <Tab label="Website Metrics" {...a11yProps(1)} />
    <Tab label="Performance Scores" {...a11yProps(2)} />

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