Modifying the appearance of a CSS element with jQuery: Step-by-step guide

The code I have is as follows:

  $('.signup-form-wrapper').css("style", "display: block");
                $('.login-form-wrapper').css("style", "display: none");

I'm not sure why it's not working. The current appearance of the element is like this:

 <div class="signup-form-wrapper form-wrapper" style="display: none;">

I want to change this style to display: block, how can I achieve that?

Answer №1

To modify your code, you have two options:


This function is similar to using .css('display', 'block'), with the distinction that the display property is restored to its original state.



$('.signup-form-wrapper').style({ display: 'block' });

.style( properties )

.style( propertyName, value )


Both methods will reveal your element and update its appearance.

Answer №2

.css() is a function that applies the specified style to an element.

To use the function, follow this syntax:


Here's an example of changing the code:

$('.contact-form-wrapper').css("display", "flex");
$('.aboutus-form-wrapper').css("display", "none");

If you want to apply multiple styles to a single element, pass an object like this:


For instance:

$('.contact-form-wrapper').css({"display": "flex", "border":"2px solid blue"});

Check out JQuery .css() documentation for more details

Answer №3

Give this a go


Answer №4

When it comes to simply displaying or hiding elements, there are more concise functions available like .hide() and .show()

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