Modify the style of a div using my JavaScript code

Looking for assistance in updating my code to meet my requirements. Here is what I am looking for:

You can find my full code here:

Specifically, I need to make a change to this section:

<div style="display:none;">Change style of this div to Block fro js above</div> 

Additionally, I have some JavaScript code that needs to function properly. It is located in the head section of my code:

// JavaScript code here

The main issue I am facing is that when a video link is clicked, I want the countdown to stop, regardless of the remaining time. I also want the "load_video" div to be hidden and the iframe to show. However, I would like to add a feature where clicking on a button not only hides the "load_video" div and shows the iframe but also changes the style of another div to "block".

I hope this explanation makes sense. Any help is appreciated!

Answer №1

If you're looking to target a specific div element, there are several methods you could use. One straightforward approach is to assign an id to the div...

<div id="changeMe" style="display:none;">Modify the styling of this div to Block from the JavaScript below</div>

...and then insert the following script wherever you want the div to be displayed as a block:

Using jQuery:


Without using jQuery:

document.getElementById('changeMe').style.display = 'block';

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