Modify the CSS styles of inner elements dynamically

Within my code, I have implemented a SplitPane and included a CSS file that contains the following styling rules:

.split-pane > .split-pane-divider {  
    -fx-padding: 0 0 0 1;  

However, during runtime, I encountered the need to modify these styling rules for the divider. I attempted the following solution:

SplitPane.Divider divider = splitPane.getDividers().get(0);
divider.setStyle("-fx-padding: 1 1 1 1; -fx-background-color:-fx-background;");

Unfortunately, I discovered that the method setStyle is not available in the SplitPane.Divider class.

Is there an alternative way to adjust these styling rules dynamically at runtime?

Answer №1

To create a unique look for your split pane, you can define custom style classes in your CSS file:

.split-pane > .split-pane-divider {
    -fx-padding: 0 0 0 1;
    -fx-background-color: green;

.alternate-split-pane > .split-pane-divider {
    -fx-padding: 1 1 1 1;
    -fx-background-color: red;

Then, in your code, you can dynamically add or remove these style classes based on your requirements:

// Apply the customized style
// Revert to the original style

Another approach is using the PseudoClass API to toggle styles:

.split-pane > .split-pane-divider {
    -fx-padding: 0 0 0 1;
    -fx-background-color: green;

.split-pane:version1 > .split-pane-divider {
    -fx-padding: 1 1 1 1;
    -fx-background-color: red;

Control the pseudo class state in your code:

PseudoClass version1Pseudo = PseudoClass.getPseudoClass("version1");
splitPane.pseudoClassStateChanged(version1Pseudo, true);
splitPane.pseudoClassStateChanged(version1Pseudo, false);

If needed, you can directly set style attributes during runtime by accessing divider nodes via Node#lookupAll:

for (Node node: splitPane.lookupAll(".split-pane-divider"))
    node.setStyle("-fx-background-color: red; -fx-padding: 1 1 1 1;");

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