Modify the color of the sidebar menu items in R Shiny

I am trying to find out the tag name that can be used to change the color of the blue line in the menuItem image on Shiny Dashboard. I have successfully changed the background color of the sidebar menu item using the following code:

.skin-blue .main-sidebar .sidebar .sidebar-menu .active a{
    background-color: rgb(107,194,0);
    color: rgb(255,255,255);
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 18px;

Now, I want to customize the color of the blue line as well. Check out the image here.

EDIT: I have included the full code below. I have customized the colors for other parts but still need help with changing the color of the blue line.


ui <- dashboardPage(



  menuItem("Folder", tabName = "root", icon = icon("folder")),
  menuItem("My Home", tabName = "home", icon = icon("home")),
  menuItem("Document", tabName = "document", icon = icon("document"))


                          /* Logo */
                          .skin-blue .main-header .logo {
                          background-color: rgb(255,255,255); 
                          color: rgb(0,144,197);
                          font-weight: bold;
                          font-size: 24px;
                          text-align: right;

                          /* Hover effect on logo */
                          .skin-blue .main-header .logo:hover {
                          background-color: rgb(255,255,255);

                          /* Navbar */
                          .skin-blue .main-header .navbar {
                          background-color: rgb(255,255,255);

                          /* Main Sidebar */
                          .skin-blue .main-sidebar {
                          background-color: rgb(255,125,125);;

                          /* Active selected tab in sidebarmenu */
                          .skin-blue .main-sidebar .sidebar .sidebar-menu .active a{
                          background-color: rgb(107,194,0);
                          color: rgb(255,255,255);
                          font-weight: bold;
                          font-size: 18px;

                          /* Other links in sidebarmenu */
                          .skin-blue .main-sidebar .sidebar .sidebar-menu a{
                          background-color: rgb(255,125,125);
                          color: rgb(255,255,255);
                          font-weight: bold;

                          /* Hover effect on other links in sidebarmenu */
                          .skin-blue .main-sidebar .sidebar .sidebar-menu a:hover{
                          background-color: rgb(232,245,251);
                          color: rgb(0,144,197);
                          font-weight: bold;

                          /* Toggle button color */
                          .skin-blue .main-header .navbar .sidebar-toggle{
                          background-color: rgb(255,255,255);
                          color: rgb(0,144,197);

                          /* Hover effect on toggle button */
                          .skin-blue .main-header .navbar .sidebar-toggle:hover{
                          background-color: rgb(0,144,197);
                          color: rgb(255,255,255);
#                           ')))


server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {


shinyApp(ui, server)

Answer №1

To modify the color, utilize the subsequent CSS code:

.skin-navy .sidebar-menu > > a {
  border-left-color: #00ff00;

Remember that switching the dashboard's skin theme may necessitate modifications to this CSS as it relies on the .skin-navy theme. It is also worth noting that this adjustment will not affect the blue bar's hue when a menu item is hovered over. For that purpose, amend the CSS above to:

.skin-navy .sidebar-menu > > a,
.skin-navy .sidebar-menu > li:hover > a {
  border-left-color: #00ff00;

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