Modify the color of the chosen value on the sidebar using Angular 6

I am looking to update the color of the selected value in the sidebar.


<div class="card c-setting">
  <div class="card-header" title="Data Uploader"(click)="clickDataloader()">
  <a class="card-link" data-toggle="collapse" href="#collapseOne" >
     <span><i class="fa fa-cloud-upload" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>  
     <span>Data Uploader</span>

Angular Component

   this.DataUploader = false
   this.setting = true
   this.userManagement = true
   this.header = "Data Uploader"

Answer №1

To modify the appearance of selected values, you can update the CSS within the .css file of the component.

/* unvisited value */
a:link {
 color: green;

/* visited value */
a:visited {
 color: green;

/* mouse over value */
a:hover {
 color: red;

/* selected value */
a:active {
 color: yellow;

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