Modify the color of a set of div elements when clicked

Is there a way to change the background color of all divs with a common attribute value (#id for example) after clicking on one of the divs that shares the same attribute value?

This is what I have tried so far:


  var clickedID=$(this).attr("id");



Answer №1

To avoid having multiple ids with the same name on a page, it is recommended to use classes instead.

if( $(this).hasClass('classname') ) { ... }

In document languages, attributes declared as type ID are unique and cannot have the same value. This uniqueness allows an ID attribute to identify its element uniquely. In HTML, all ID attributes are named "id," while XML applications may use different names for ID attributes but still have the same restriction.

For more information, visit:

Answer №2

It seems like many people were focused on the issue of duplicate IDs, which is a valid concern, but not the main point of the question. You just happened to choose the one attribute that can't be repeated.

Your code structure is solid:

  1. Attach a click event to all .group elements
  2. On click, retrieve the attribute value of the clicked element
  3. Find elements with the same attribute value and modify the CSS

Choosing the attribute for linking

If using the same id is not an option, HTML5 introduced a solution known as the data- attribute. According to MDN:

data-* attributes allow us to store extra information on standard, semantic HTML elements, providing a way to associate data with an element without defining its meaning.

In this case, you can use data-value to link elements like this:

<div data-value="x" class="group">1</div>
<div data-value="y" class="group">2</div>
<div data-value="x" class="group">3</div>

Here, elements 1 and 3 are connected.

Retrieving the value and associated elements

JQuery provides a convenient method, .data(), to access these values. Simply use it like this:

var clickedValue = $"value");

To find associated elements, search for .group elements with the same attribute value using the attribute equals selector:

$('.group[data-value="' + clickedValue + '"]')

Adjusting the CSS

Once you have identified the elements, utilize .css() to alter the background color. It takes either two strings for a single CSS property or an object for multiple properties. Since we only want to change background-color, the former method will suffice:

someJQueryObject.css('background-color', 'red');

Putting it all together

Now that we have the steps in place, all that's left is to combine them. I've also included a line to store the jQuery object for $(this) to show how it can be utilized. While it's not necessary in this case since it's only used once, it illustrates the concept.

$('.group').click(function () {
    // This "caches" the jQuery object, making it more efficient if used multiple times
    var $this = $(this);
    // Retrieve the "data-value" of the clicked element
    var clickedValue = $"value");
    // Find other groups with the same data-value and apply the CSS
    $('.group[data-value="' + clickedValue + '"]').css('background-color', 'red');
<script src=""></script>
<div data-value="x" class="group">1</div>
<div data-value="y" class="group">2</div>
<div data-value="x" class="group">3</div>

Answer №3

Alright, let's break down what you're attempting to achieve.


The way you're using .(function is quite off. It seems like you're trying to validate the clicked item against a specific ID. You should declare that ID as a variable outside the function like this:

var validID = 'foo';

Then create a separate function for validation:

function checkID(id, $el){
    if (id === validID){
            backgroundColor: 'red'


Now, incorporate this function into your .click() event:

$('.group').on('click', function(){
    var self = this;

    checkID(, $(self));


Your final JavaScript code should look something like this:

var validID = 'foo';

function checkID(id, $el){
    if (id === validID){
            backgroundColor: 'red'

$('.group').on('click', function(){
    var self = this;

    checkID(, $(self));

Additional tips to consider:

  • Prefer using === over == as it checks both value and type, ensuring more accurate comparisons.
  • Utilize element properties like for better performance compared to jQuery functions like $(this).attr('id').
  • Cache elements or objects you need to reference multiple times for improved speed and resource efficiency.
  • Switch to using .on() instead of shorthand event binding for better maintenance and performance.

Instead of:

    // stuff
    // stuff
    // stuff

You can use:

    click: function(){
         // stuff
    mouseenter: function(){
        // stuff
    mouseleave: function(){
        // stuff

This approach is both easier to manage and faster as it reduces DOM traversal.

Hopefully, this information is beneficial to you!

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