Modify styling of complete list upon clicking in React

For my latest project, I developed a basic todo application using React. One of the key features is that when a user clicks on a checkbox, the corresponding todo item's CSS changes to show a strike-through effect. Additionally, a button appears on hover which allows users to delete the specific todo item.

Currently, I am looking to implement two new functionalities:

  1. Modify the CSS of the entire list of todos upon clicking an 'x' event using React.
  2. Adjust the CSS of individual todos when clicking on the respective list item.

Below is a snippet of my app code:

class App extends Component {



I have added a method called "allDone()" and attached it to the span element 'X' via onClick event. However, I am encountering issues in changing the CSS of all elements in the list to display them as strikethrough. Check out the image here.

Answer №1

To update the class or add a new one in the 'allDone' function, you can utilize the forEach() statement and ensure to bind this function.

allDone = () => {
    var todos = this.state.todos;

    todos.forEach(function(item) {
      item.Decoration = "newTodo animated fadeInLeft strike";

    this.setState({ todos: todos });

class App extends React.Component {


    var newTodo=this.refs.inputTodo.value;
    if( keypress.charCode == 13 )
        todos: this.state.todos.concat({Value:newTodo, Decoration:'newTodo animated fadeInLeft', checked:false})


    return (
      <li className={text.Decoration}>
        <input type="checkbox" onChange={this.todoCompleted.bind(this,i)}className="option-input checkbox" checked={text.checked} />
        <div key={}  className="item">
          <button type="button" className="destroy" onClick={this.remove.bind(this)}>X</button>


    var todo={...this.state.todos}
      this.state.todos[i].checked = false;
        todos: this.state.todos
    } else {
      this.state.todos[i].checked = true;
      this.state.todos[i].Decoration= 'strike';

        todos: this.state.todos

  allDone = () => {
    var todos = this.state.todos;
    todos.forEach(function(item) {
      item.Decoration = "newTodo animated fadeInLeft strike";

    this.setState({ todos: todos });

  render() {
    return (
        <h1 id='heading'>todos</h1>
        <div className="lines"></div>
          <input type="text" ref= "inputTodo" onKeyPress={this.enterTodo.bind(this)} className="inputodo" placeholder='todos'/>
          <span onClick={this.allDone} id="all">x</span>
        <div className="mainapp">

.strike {
  text-decoration: line-through;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>

Answer №2

Here's a solution that might help:


completeAllTasks() {
    let updatedTasks = => { return { Status: 'completed' } })
    this.setState({ tasks: updatedTasks }); 

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