Modify components in a web application based on the content of a JavaScript variable

I'm in the process of developing a webapp that needs to interact with an Arduino for its inputs in order to dynamically change the contents of the webpage.

Currently, I am experimenting with variables that I have created and assigned random numbers to since the project is still incomplete. However, my lack of experience with jQuery is hindering my progress as I am unable to make it function properly. For example, I have set the variable light = 100 and I would like to create an if statement that will display the message: your plant is happy when light > 100.

I am unsure how to update the value solely based on the input of a variable without requiring any user interaction such as clicking on elements or buttons.

Answer №1

Assuming you have Arduino hardware to monitor light intensity and update a webpage in real time, one method is as follows:

  1. Create categories for plant state (e.g. 'happy' 100+, 'okay' 80 to 100, 'sad' < 80, etc.)
  2. Configure your Arduino board to report the state to your server (e.g. python flask server) when light intensity falls within certain ranges.
  3. Utilize Server Sent Events (SSE) or WebSockets to inform connected browser clients of the plant's current state via the web server.

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