Modifications made to the content of the element can disrupt the functioning of the delegated event handlers tied to its parent

Currently, I am working on implementing a drop-down menu for a school project. While most of the functionality is in place, I encountered an issue with JQuery events that has me stumped. When I click on a list item, the name is set correctly, but then the events cease to work. I even tried putting the handlers on parent elements, but still no luck.

Below is a snippet of the JQuery code:


$('nav ul').on('mouseenter', '.menu1', function(){
  $('.menu1 ul').removeClass("hidden");

$('nav ul').on('mouseleave', '.menu1', function(){
    $('.menu1 ul').addClass("hidden");
  }, 300);

$('nav ul').on('click', '.menu1 ul li', function(){


I have also created a CodePen demo for the list:

Answer №1

The problem lies within the line


When this line is executed upon selecting an option, the content inside the li tag is replaced with something like this:

<li class="menu1">one</li>
(if 'one' was selected). This action causes the ul tag and dropdown menu to be replaced entirely.

To resolve this issue, create a separate area to display the selected option above the li tag.


    <p id="selected"></p>


    $('nav ul').on('click', '.menu1 ul li',function({

I hope this solution helps fix the problem!

Answer №2

  1. I updated the event handling in the code snippet by replacing the mouseenter and mouseleave events with mouseover.
  2. Each click event now appends a span element with the text of the clicked item, preceded by a remove() to clear prior clicks.

Test the changes using the runnable snippet below.

$(document).ready(function() {

  $('nav ul').on('mouseover', '.menu1', function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
      $('.menu1 ul').show();
    }, 300);

  $('nav ul').on('click', '.menu1 ul li', function() {
    $('.menu1').append('<span id="click">' + $(this).text() + '<span>');
nav {
  padding: 50px;
  text-align: center;

 /* CSS styles omitted for brevity */

<script src=""></script>
    <li class="menu1">
      <ul class="dropMenu hidden">

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