modification of the tooltip's background shade on Google Maps

Currently, I am using Google Chart to display data for different countries. When hovering over these countries, a tooltip is displayed which fetches data from the backend. However, I would like to customize the background color of this tooltip as it is currently set to white by default.

Below is the code snippet:

activity_chartdata = new google.visualization.DataTable();
activity_chartdata.addColumn('string', 'Country');
activity_chartdata.addColumn('number', 'Activity');
activity_chartdata.addColumn({type: 'string', role: 'tooltip'});
activity_chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart(document.getElementById('social_activity_map_chart_div'));

var mapData = data['Payload'][0]['mapDataPoints'];

jQuery.each(mapData, function (index, value) {
        v: value['shortCode'],
        f: value['countryName']
    },parseFloat(value['activityCount']), "Activity:  " + reformatNumber(value['activityCount'])]);

var options = {
    colorAxis: {colors: colorArray},
    showZoomOut: "true",
    //backgroundColor: '#CBD0D1',
    datalessRegionColor: '#ffffff',
    defaultColor: '#ffffff',
    zoomOutLabel: 'Zoom Out',
    keepAspectRatio: true,
    height: finalHeight
activity_chart.draw(activity_chartdata, options);

Answer №1

For a different look, consider applying these styles to your tooltips:

.custom-tooltip>.tooltip-content {
background-color: #fff;
color: #333;

Answer №2

Make sure to refer to the official documentation for detailed information. Various examples can be found there.

  1. To enable HTML content in tooltips, set tooltip.isHtml: true in the chart options
  2. To add custom HTML content to specific columns or cells in the data table, use the html property. For example, a datatable column with tooltip role and HTML property should be defined as:
    dataTable.addColumn({'type': 'string', 'role': 'tooltip', 'p': {'html': true}})

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