Minimize the screen dimensions and adjust the margins accordingly

Having a problem with responsive margins? Take a look at this site as an example:

When I shrink the screen size, the margins decrease and smoothly transition from 4 to 2 columns.

In my case, it does something similar but the issue is that the margin doesn't adjust before reverting to 2 columns. This causes the thumbnails within each column to reduce because it maintains a 7.5% margin on either side.

Does anyone know how I can fix this to match the behavior of Bali Body?

Sample code:

<div class="post_content">
        <a class="" href="">
        </a><h3><a class="" href=""></a>
        <a href="">Genji Challa – Ethiopian Single Origin</a></h3> 
        <a href=""><div class="star-rating"><span style="width:0%"></span></div></a>
        <span class="tastenotes">Nectarine, blood orange, redcurrant</span>

  <div class="post_content">
        <a class="" href="">
        </a><h3><a class="" href=""></a>
        <a href="">Genji Challa – Ethiopian Single Origin</a></h3> 
        <a href=""><div class="star-rating"><span style="width:0%"></span></div></a>
        <span class="tastenotes">Nectarine, blood orange, redcurrant</span>
  <div class="post_content">
        <a class="" href="">
        </a><h3><a class="" href=""></a>
        <a href="">Genji Challa – Ethiopian Single Origin</a></h3> 
        <a href=""><div class="star-rating"><span style="width:0%"></span></div></a>
        <span class="tastenotes">Nectarine, blood orange, redcurrant</span>
  <div class="post_content">
        <a class="" href="">
        </a><h3><a class="" href=""></a>
        <a href="">Genji Challa – Ethiopian Single Origin</a></h3> 
        <a href=""><div class="star-rating"><span style="width:0%"></span></div></a>
        <span class="tastenotes">Nectarine, blood orange, redcurrant</span>


.woocommerce-page ul.products li.product.column-1_4 {
    width: 25%;

.woocommerce ul.products, .woocommerce-page ul.products {
    margin-right: -30px;
    margin-bottom: 0;

.archive .slider_boxed, 
.archive .content_container{
margin: 0 auto;

Answer №1

When working with Bali Body, they established a grid class that accommodates 4 rows on desktop and 2 on smaller screens. To achieve this using Bootstrap, you can create 4 columns for large screens (col-md-4) and 2 columns for smaller screens (col-sm-2). If you need to adjust margins for smaller devices, consider utilizing a CSS media query for smaller screens.

@media only screen and (max-width: 768px)
 .grid {
margin-left: -15px;

This will apply a left margin of -15px specifically for mobile and tablet devices. You can include additional CSS properties that will only impact mobile and tablet devices. Simply replace 'grid' with your designated class name (e.g., li.product.column-1_4).

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