Methods for concealing the title and date when printing web content using JavaScript

When utilizing the window.print method to print out a specific screen, I encountered an issue. I need to hide the date in the top left corner of the image as well as the title (not the big heading) which has been intentionally blurred.

I've come across suggestions online that recommend using @pages { margin: 0 }. However, I'm unsure of how to implement this within the context of window.print();

My attempts at using setAttribute() have not been successful, leading me to believe that I may have made an error somewhere.

      const element = document.getElementById("qr-code").innerHTML;
      var printWindow ='', '', 'height=800,width=800');
      const title = printWindow.document.title = "some title here";
      const heading = printWindow.document.createElement('h1');
      const text = printWindow.document.createTextNode(title);
      heading.setAttribute('style', 'order: -1; margin-bottom: 50px;');
      printWindow.document.body.setAttribute('style', 'display: grid; width: 100%; justify-items: center; margin: 0;');

Answer №1

By referencing the information found at , you have the ability to incorporate this css code:

@page { size: auto;  margin: 0mm;}

onto the window, effectively concealing the date and title (as they are located in the margin). To implement this css, you can generate a style element and add it to the window, similar to how you include the heading.

const element = document.getElementById("qr-code").innerHTML;
var printWindow ='', '', 'height=800,width:800');
const title = printWindow.document.title = "some title here";
const heading = printWindow.document.createElement('h1');
const text = printWindow.document.createTextNode(title);

// Below is the style that can be incorporated to hide the date and title during printing.
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = '@page { size:auto; margin:0mm;}';

heading.setAttribute('style', 'order:-1;margin-bottom:50px;');

// Attach the style to the body of the window


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