Menus that mimic the style of Google Translate's select options

I'm looking to design an HTML select menu using CSS in a similar fashion to Google Translate's style on Google Translate. I've searched for tutorials online, but they all involve jQuery. Is there a way to achieve something similar using only CSS for styling?

I hope my question is clear and you understand the concept I'm trying to convey.

Answer №1

Google utilizes JavaScript to create a unique HTML structure for dropdown boxes that is fully customizable with CSS. By using click events on language options, hidden form elements are updated to reflect the chosen translation languages.

With jQuery and some effort, you can achieve a similar result.

I trust this explanation sheds light on the process.

Answer №2

Attempting to replicate the same functionality using only CSS is a futile effort - it's simply not possible. Google relies on javascript for specific features, such as when a user selects a language and it is highlighted with a border and different background color for future translations.

If you're looking for a similar dropdown feature, you can find it here

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