Menu becomes sticky too quickly on iOS Safari and Chrome, jumping to fixed position prematurely

Feeling frustrated with this seemingly straightforward code challenge. My sticky menu is causing me headaches on iOS devices, particularly the iPhone 6 running the latest iOS. It seems like the menu jumps into its fixed position too early, leading me to believe that iOS is somehow miscalculating the offset for the element and triggering the function prematurely. The perplexing part is that it works perfectly fine on desktop and Android devices. I've exhausted all my options and scoured the internet for solutions to no avail. The website in question is [DreaD Illustrations][1]. Strangely, upon initial load, the calculation seems off, but if you scroll down and back up, it miraculously starts working correctly. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Check out the code snippet below.

var navBar = jQuery("");
var topofNav = navBar.offset().top;
stickyDiv = "being-sticky";
mahMain = jQuery('#main').outerWidth();

    jQuery(window).on('scroll', function() {
        if (jQuery(document).scrollTop() > topofNav) {
        } else {
.being-sticky {
<script src=""></script>

Answer №1

Thank you to everyone for your assistance! I was able to resolve the issue with Safari by creating a variable called whenToScroll and setting it based on whether the browser was Safari or another. This solution worked effectively! I did attempt to use the Safari setting for Chrome, but unfortunately, it did not work.

if (jQuery.browser.safari)
        var whenToScroll = jQuery("div.hgroup.full-container").outerHeight();
            var whenToScroll = navBar.offset().top; 

Answer №2

Have you experimented with implementing a timeout function to observe its behavior on iOS? If the issue lies in timing discrepancies between devices, utilizing navigator.userAgent can help target IOS devices specifically for removing a class at a later time.

if(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { //Targeting IOS browsers
     }, 7000); //Adjust the milliseconds as needed

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