Media queries are effective only in the responsive mode of various web browsers

After creating my website using Bootstrap 4, I encountered some challenges with the responsive design. To address these issues, I implemented media queries to make necessary adjustments. As I worked on my CSS changes, I relied on Chrome's device toolbar for testing. However, I noticed that once I resized the browser outside of the device toolbar, the media queries stopped functioning properly. This issue persisted when I tested it in both Chrome and Firefox.

In an attempt to troubleshoot, I made my site live prematurely to see if the problem would still occur. Unfortunately, the issue persisted even after going live. Has anyone else faced a similar situation before?

If you would like to provide feedback or insights, please visit Lakhan Production. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Your media queries currently make use of min-device-width and max-device-width. It's important to note that the device width refers to the actual device (such as a phone or tablet), not the browser window. This could explain the behavior you're seeing. Interestingly, even Chrome's mobile developer mode seems to follow this emulation approach.

Perhaps consider using min-width and max-width instead of min-device-width and max-device-width.

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