Materriel-UI ToggleButton has the appearance of a traditional button

Looking to style a ToggleButton like a button? Having trouble with an error in the console when nesting a button inside? Check out this solution:

  const StyledToggleButtonGroup = withStyles((theme) => ({
    grouped: {
      margin: theme.spacing(0.5),
      border: 'none',
 <StyledToggleButtonGroup size="medium" value={problem} exclusive onChange={handleChange}>
          <ToggleButton color="red" value="technical" className={helpClasses.boxButton}>
            <Button size="medium" fullWidth color="primary" variant="outlined">

If you're encountering an error in the console, such as

Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <button> cannot appear as a descendant of <button>
, here's a workaround.

Here's how you can achieve the desired look:

Answer №1

According to the information provided in the documentation at

The documentation states that you can insert icons into the ToggleButton, or essentially anything other than a Button.

It is recommended to follow the guidelines outlined in the documentation,

      aria-label="text alignment"
      <ToggleButton value="left" aria-label="left aligned">
        <FormatAlignLeftIcon />
      <ToggleButton value="center" aria-label="centered">
        <FormatAlignCenterIcon />
      <ToggleButton value="right" aria-label="right aligned">
        <FormatAlignRightIcon />
      <ToggleButton value="justify" aria-label="justified" disabled>
        <FormatAlignJustifyIcon />

Answer №2

I successfully achieved it

const styles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  toggleBtn: {
    borderRadius: '5px',
    borderStyle: 'solid',
    borderWidth: 1,
    width: '6vw',
    height: '6vw',
  textBtn: {
    color: colors.light.background,
    fontWeight: 400,
    fontSize: fontSizes.large,
<ToggleButton value="Incorrect identification ">
    <Typography className={styles.textBtn}>

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