Material-UI Swipeable Drawer with a see-through design

Any tips on how to apply a 'transparent' style background property to my SwipeableDrawer component from Material UI? I'm having difficulty changing the background directly from my code since the component generates another component in the HTML file when it renders. I've tried adding some CSS rules, but the component doesn't seem to respond to them.

Appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you!

Answer №1

According to the information provided in the Material-ui documentation, it is possible to customize the appearance of the Modal component by using the ModalProps property. By utilizing the BackdropProps within the Modal, you can achieve a transparent background effect.

To implement this customization, create a variable named styles and define the required styles.

const styles = {
  BackdropProps: {
    background: 'transparent'

Apply the created style to the root element of the Backdrop component using the classes property.

<SwipeableDrawer ModalProps={{

For more details on overriding components with classes, refer to the guidelines provided in the documentation.

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