Mastering the art of manipulating the Document Object Model in Vue.js

I have a situation where I am using v-for to display a lot of data in JSON as individual buttons. My goal is to change the background color of the button when it is clicked. I plan to use @click to bind a function to each button, and within that function, perform the following action: = 'black';

How can I access the DOM element of the button generated by v-for? Alternatively, are there any other solutions to solve this issue of changing the background color?

Answer №1

Whenever a click event is triggered in a Vue template, you have the ability to access the event by including the special variable $event as an argument in the function.

<button @click="my_method($event, other_argument)"></button>

You can then retrieve the target of the event within the method:

methods: {
    my_method(event, other_parameters) {
        let button =

Even if you simply bind the method to the @click event without any arguments, you can still access the event as your first parameter.

<button @click="my_method"></button>
methods: {
    my_method($event) {
        let button = $

You are now able to interact with your button accordingly.

For additional information, refer to this stackoverflow question and the Vue documentation.

Answer №2

To utilize the $event variable, follow these steps:

<button @click="changeColor($event)"></button>

In your method implementation:

this.changeColor = function(evt){ = 'red'; }

Answer №3

If you want to change the class of an item when it is clicked, you can utilize @click and v-bind:class. By using these directives, you can store the index of the clicked item in a variable called selectedItem, which will then automatically apply a specific class to the item with the corresponding index.

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  data: {
    selectedItem: ""
  methods: {}
.selectedItemClass {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">

  <div v-for="(item,index) in ['aa','bb','cc']"
    v-bind:class="{  selectedItemClass : (selectedItem === index) }"
    @click="selectedItem = index"

Answer №4

It seems like you are looking to have the buttons function as independent switches rather than a radio group, similar to what was suggested by @eag845 in another response.

An approach could be to introduce a 'clicked' boolean property to your JSON Objects.

arrayOfJSONObjects.forEach(object => object.clicked = false); // Create and set 'clicked' attribute to false

You can then utilize this property as a condition to apply a CSS class using v-bind:class or :class. Additionally, you can toggle this property within the @click event handler or any other relevant function you define within @click.

    v-for="btn in arrayOfJSONObjects"
    :class="{ 'button--activated': btn.clicked }"
    @click="btn.clicked = !btn.clicked"

CSS Styling:

.button {
  background-color: white;
.button--activated {
  background-color: black;

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