Manipulating the DOM by nesting an icon within a button element in HTML

Currently working on my todo list project and I have a question about using innerHTML. I'm curious if I can include an icon inside of a button tag like this:

btn.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>';

So, would that result in

<button><i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i></button>

Can someone explain the difference between the code above and the one below?

btn.innerHTML += '<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>';

Answer №1

To start, simply swap out the current content within the button for a fresh new icon

For example, if your button is labeled "click", this text would seamlessly transition to be represented by the newly added graphic symbol

In another scenario, an additional icon can be inserted immediately after the existing text "click"

Answer №2

btn.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>';

This particular code line will set the innerHTML of the btn.

btn.innerHTML += '<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>';

On the other hand, this code line will add

<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>
to the existing content inside btn. However, if btn is initially empty, it will produce the same result as
btn.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>';

For a simple demo, refer to the following:

var btn1 = document.getElementById("btn1");
var btn2 = document.getElementById("btn2");
var btn3 = document.getElementById("btn3");

btn1.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>';
btn2.innerHTML += '<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>';
btn3.innerHTML += '<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>';
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <button id="btn1" >Something Inside</button>
  <button id="btn2" >Something Inside</button>
  <button id="btn3" ></button>

Answer №3

It's important to grasp the distinction between the two assignment statements

var name = (equals) sets the value to whatever you want

var name = "blaqkippah"

var age = 23

(since variable name has already been declared, there is no need to declare it again with the var keyword)

var name = "blaqkippah"

The use of += in conjunction with strings involves joining them together. It provides a more concise way of writing code

name = name + "blah"

name += "deemyBoy"
blaqkippahdeemyBoy // no space inserted as I wrote += "deemyBoy" not += " deemyBoy" 
ie. when joining 2 strings using += (or any other method) you have to manually add a 

var b = 'banana'
b += ' apple'
"banana apple"
"banana apple"
b = 'apple'

Numbers behave differently with += acting as the plus/addition operator, adding to what's already stored in b (with numbers you can also do -= (minus), *= (multiply) and /= (divide)

b = 2
b += 3
b = 4

An example using minus:


An example using divide:

b /= 2

An example using multiply:

b *= 50

Returning to your question, I've utilized a JavaScript object so that innerHTML becomes a property on the object, allowing you to easily track the changing values in the console.logs

var btn = {} // declare empty JS object

btn.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>'; // assign value
{innerHTML: "<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>"}
btn.innerHTML += '<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>';
{innerHTML: "<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i><i class="fas fa-times fa-lg"></i>"}
btn.innerHTML = '<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg">go back to original</i>';
{innerHTML: "<i class="fas fa-times fa-lg">go back to original</i>"}

This should provide a more comprehensive explanation for you

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