Manipulating intricate CSS properties with JavaScript

Can anyone explain how to implement the CSS shown below in JavaScript?

#absoluteCenter {
    left: 50% !important;
    top: 50% !important;

I would like to convert this CSS into an object format so that I can pass it as a style object to a component. The format should be like this:

var styles = {
    style: property

Note: I am using ReactJS, and these properties are configured before the Component is rendered on the DOM. This is why I cannot use document.getElementById()

Answer №1

If you need to accomplish this using JavaScript, take a look at the code snippet below: (However, it is recommended to create a style class and apply it to the HTML instead)

var customStyle = "webkit-transform:translate(-50%,-50%);-moz-transform:translate(-50%,-50%); -ms-transform:translate(-50%,-50%); -o-transform:translate(-50%,-50%)!important,transform:translate(-50%,-50%); width:600px;";
document.getElementById("absoluteCenter").setAttribute("style", customStyle);

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