Manipulating CSS rules using JavaScript/jQuery

My goal is to create a function that generates a grid based on table data. While the function itself seems to be working, I am encountering an issue where the classes applied are not resulting in any style changes. Below is a snippet of my function:

    // create 9:00 and 9:30 cells for both employees
    generateAvailabilityGrid($("#oneDay"), 30, 9, 10);

/* NOTE: This function works as expected. I have tested it */
// function that generates the availability grid for availabilitySchedule
// parameters: ID of container to write availability grid to (or index), size of interval block (in minutes, as integer), (optional) start time, (optional) end time
function generateAvailabilityGrid(identifier, intervalSize, floatStartTime, floatEndTime)
    // for good measure, define floatStartTime,floatEndTime as 9 AM,9 PM, respectively
    floatStartTime = floatStartTime || 9;
    floatEndTime = floatEndTime || 21;
    // enforce intervalSize to be greater than 10
    if (intervalSize < 10) return;
    // enforce floatSize,floatEndTime to be between 0 and 23.99
    if (((floatStartTime < 0) || (floatStartTime >= 24)) || ((floatEndTime <= 0) || (floatEndTime >= 24))) return;
    // create container div element (will serve as availabilityTable)
    var tableDiv = $('<<div class="table"></div>>');
    // create dummy row div, dummy cell div
    var dummyRowDiv = $('<div class="tableRow"></div>'),
        dummyCellDiv = $('<div class="tableCell"></div>');
    // get names from #employeeTable
    var names = $('#employeeTable tr:not(#titleRow)').map(function() { return $(this).children(':lt(2)').map(function() { return $(this).children('input').val(); }).get().join(" "); });
    // for every name in names
            // copy dummy row and append label with name to it
            var row = $(dummyRowDiv).clone();
            for (var m = floatStartTime * 60; m < floatEndTime * 60; m += intervalSize)
                // create cells
                var tempCell = $(dummyCellDiv).clone();
                if ((m % 60 == 0) && (m > floatStartTime))
                // have cell, on click, be marked 'available'
                $(tempCell).click(function() { $(this).toggleClass('available'); });
                // TODO: fetch data and use it to "fill" appropriate cells
                // append cells to row
            // append row to container div
    // determine if identifier is int
    var isIntIdentifier = (identifier > -1);
    // append tableDiv to div identified by identifier
    // if identifier is int
    if (isIntIdentifier)
        // use index to get container to append tableDiv to and append
        $('#availabilitySchedule :nth-child(' + (identifier + 1) + ')').append(tableDiv);
        // get container to append tableDiv to by name and append

The CSS rules that are being targeted but not taking effect are:

    border-right: 2px solid #000;

    background: #0f0;

It appears that the issue may lie in attempting to add classes and mouse click listeners to temporary objects within the for-loop. Here is a minimal reproducible example of the problem:

Does this mean that I will need to define everything outside the for-loop, after the cells have been added to the table div? If so, can you explain why?

Answer №1

The problem arises from the hierarchy of CSS rules being determined by selector specificity.

Simply using classes may not provide enough specificity to override the default background rule. This can be confirmed by inspecting elements in the browser's dev tools and viewing the applied rules in order of their specificity.

You can try this:

#availabilitySchedule .available
    background: red;

For more information, check out this helpful article

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