Manipulate the CSS of Quasar components within a child component in VueJS

Currently, I am incorporating Quasar components into my VueJS application in order to create an app. Within this setup, I have a child component that is being imported into a parent component. To customize the child component's appearance, I have overridden its default CSS by directly accessing the Quasar classes within its style tag. However, a problem arises after importing the child component into the parent - the parent's CSS styling takes precedence over the child's. Despite trying various methods like scope, module, and deep, the desired effect of altering the root/internal CSS of the Quasar components within the child is not achieved.

Additionally, I have experimented with dynamically setting the child component's styles during runtime using the created() lifecycle hook, but these changes do not take effect. The use of the !important keyword also does not produce the desired outcome.

I am seeking guidance on how to successfully apply custom CSS to the child component without interference from the parent's styling. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

To override Quasar's classes in the style section, you can utilize v-deep.

<style scoped lang="scss">
.q-item {
  &::v-deep {
    .q-item__label {
      font-size: 18px;

It is important to remember that the first class (in this example, .q-item) should be the specific class of the Quasar component being used. If you are working with the q-item component and inside it there is a structure like q-item__label, followed by q-item__something, the first argument above v-deep should be q-item as shown in the example provided.

Answer №2

Here is an example of how you can override the Quasar toggle component:

      :label="void 0"
<script lang="ts">

// Typical Vue code goes here

<style scoped lang="scss">
  .q-toggle :deep(.q-toggle__track) {
     border-radius: 14px;
      height: 28px;
      width: 48px;
      opacity: .12;
      top: calc(50% - 14px);
  .q-toggle :deep(.q-toggle__thumb) {
    border-radius: 50%;
    height: 20px;
    position: relative;
    width: 20px;
    top: -24px;
    margin-left: - 0.09em;


Answer №3

To effectively override Quasar classes, it is important to remove the scope field from your style tag. Otherwise, the framework will automatically add a hash code to all your class and ID names in the style, resulting in changes to your class names.

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