Manipulate image position with touchmove event using CSS3 transformations on an iPad

Looking to adjust the position of an image on my iPad3, but running into some difficulties.

The movement isn't as smooth as desired and seems to lag behind the gestures being made.

This is what I have so far (a 3MB base64 image)

<img src="....">


img {
    transform: translate3d(0,0,0);

And here's the JavaScript:

img.on('touchstart', function (e) {
     var diffX = e.pageX;
     var diffY = e.pageY;
     img.on('touchmove', function (e) {
         translateX  += e.pageX - diffX;   
         translateY += e.pageY - diffY; 

         img.css({'-webkit-transform': 'translate(' + translateX + 'px, ' + translateY + 'px)'});

         diffX = e.pageX;
         diffY = e.pageY;

     return false;

This setup works well on my laptop, however, not on my iPad3. I've also experimented with requestAnimationFrame, but it only updates once I stop moving. Any suggestions for improving performance on my iPad?

Answer №1

Most of the mathematical calculations are performed outside of the touchmove function in this code snippet. It directly sets the webkittransform without going through a lengthy jQuery CSS function. Additionally, it utilizes the 3D transition feature which may not be effectively implemented by simply adding translate3d in the CSS file for iOS7.

var sx, sy, cx=0, cy=0, img=document.images[0];
img.addEventListener('touchstart', ts, false);
img.addEventListener('touchmove', tm, false);
img.addEventListener('touchend', te, false);

function ts(e){
 sx = e.pageX - cx;
 sy = e.pageY - cy;

function tm(e){ = 'translate3d(' + (e.pageX - sx) + 'px,' + (e.pageY - sy) + 'px,0)';

function te(e){
 cx = e.pageX - sx;
 cy = e.pageY - sy;

In addition, even if you own an iPad 3, it may struggle to handle large images. To optimize performance, consider enclosing everything within a div element with overflow:hidden property set.

div {
 width:400px; /*consider trying 100%*/
 height:400px; /*consider trying 100%*/

For a mouse move example (similar to touch), you can refer to this JSFiddle demo:

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