Make sure to have a ".hover" animated component remain visible on the screen even after transitioning to it from a trigger

Hopefully, my title wasn't too lengthy. This is my first question, so please be patient with me.

I have a group of divs inside my .navicons div that I want to use as triggers for offscreen elements (#wdFoot, #wpFoot, #gdFoot) to move up into view from the bottom of the screen when hovered over. I've managed to achieve this effect using .hover and .animate, but for better usability, I would like the animated footer elements to remain raised on the screen even when the user moves their mouse from the trigger area to the raised foot elements.

Here's what I currently have:

<div class="navicons">
    <div id="wdicon"><!-- triggering divs  -->
    <div id="wpicon">
    <div id="gdicon">

<section id="wdFoot" class="footNav"><!-- once they appear on screen, I want these to stay visible when the user moves the mouse from the triggers to this area  -->
    <h2>Wd Foot</h2>

<section id="wpFoot" class="footNav">
    <h2>Wp Foot</h2>

<section id="gdFoot" class="footNav">
    <h2>Gd Foot</h2>


    margin:0 auto;
.navicons > div{
    border:2px solid rgba(178,178,178,.08);
    transition:all .05s;
.navicons > div:hover{
    border:2px solid #1f88e1;


$( '#wdicon' ).hover(function() {
     $( "#wdFoot" ).animate({'bottom':'0'}, 500);
     $("#wdFoot").animate({'bottom':'-240px'}, 500);

$( '#wpicon' ).hover(function() {
     $( "#wpFoot" ).animate({'bottom':'0'}, 500);
     $("#wpFoot").animate({'bottom':'-240px'}, 500);

$( '#gdicon' ).hover(function() {
     $( "#gdFoot" ).animate({'bottom':'0'}, 500);
     $("#gdFoot").animate({'bottom':'-240px'}, 500);

Check out the JSFiddle link for a demo.

If you know of an easier or shorter way to write my jQuery code, please share it with me.

Thank you!

Answer №1

Consider this option for handling footer removal based on user actions. The approach outlined here ensures that the footer remains visible for a specified duration before being dismissed. By utilizing the setTimeout function and a data attribute, you can achieve this functionality efficiently.

To implement this solution, begin by setting up the necessary HTML structure with data attributes to streamline the hover interactions:

<div class="navicons">
    <div id="wdicon" data-hover="wdFoot">
    <div id="wpicon" data-hover="wpFoot">
    <div id="gdicon" data-hover="gdFoot">

<section id="wdFoot" class="footNav">
    <h2>Wd Foot</h2>

<section id="wpFoot" class="footNav">
    <h2>Wp Foot</h2>

<section id="gdFoot" class="footNav">
    <h2>Gd Foot</h2>

The next step involves using JavaScript to handle the timing of the dismissal animation after a specified delay:

var dismissTimeout;

var dismiss = function($group) {
    $group.animate({'bottom':'-240px'}, 500);

$( '[data-hover]' ).hover(function() {
    $(".footNav").stop().css('bottom': '-240px');
    $( "#" + $(this).data("hover") ).stop().animate({'bottom':'0'}, 500);
    dismissTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
        dismiss($("#" + $(this).data("hover") ));
    }.bind(this), 1000);

Ensure to clear the dismissTimeout variable within the hover event handlers on the footer elements:

$('.footNav').hover(function() {
}, function() {

You can view a working example in my version of the fiddle here. Feel free to experiment with different animations and transitions for enhanced user experience by referencing the provided examples.

Answer №2

After reviewing the initial question, I quickly put together this code snippet.

$( '#wdicon' ).hover(function() {
    $( "#wdFoot" ).stop().animate({'bottom':'0'}, 500);
    $("#gdFoot, #wpFoot").stop().animate({'bottom':'-240px'}, 500);

$( '#wpicon' ).hover(function() {
  $( "#wpFoot" ).stop().animate({'bottom':'0'}, 500);
  $("#wdFoot, #gdFoot").stop().animate({'bottom':'-240px'}, 500);

$( '#gdicon' ).hover(function() {
  $( "#gdFoot" ).stop().animate({'bottom':'0'}, 500);
  $("#wdFoot, #wpFoot").stop().animate({'bottom':'-240px'}, 500);

The concept here is that when hovering over one button, it triggers the hiding of other footers while sliding up the footer for your specific button.

It's important to incorporate .stop or a similar method to prevent animations from accumulating if a user rapidly hovers over the buttons.

Answer №3

It is important to use .stop() to prevent animation buildups during fast mouse movements. A more concise approach to achieve the same effect is here:

$(".navicons [id$=icon]").hover(function( e ) {
    var pr ="icon")[0];   // extract ID prefix
    var mE = e.type==="mouseenter";      // check if mouseenter event
    $("#"+ pr +"Foot" ).stop().animate({bottom: mE ? 0 : -240}, 500);

If you want to keep the element open when hovered, a simple hover may not be sufficient, and utilizing a timeout is necessary (as per your clarification needs).

Since no timeout was requested:

I wish for the animated footer elements to stay elevated or within view when the user transitions their mouse from the trigger area to the raised foot elements

Check out the jsfiddle demo here:

var $activeFoot,

$(".navicons > div").add( $activeFoot ).hover(function( e ) {
    // If there's an active element, stop its animation
    if($activeFoot) $activeFoot.stop().animate({bottom: -240}, 500); 
    // Set the current element as active
    $activeFoot = $("#"+"icon")[0] +"Foot");
    // Animate in the active element
    $activeFoot.stop().animate({bottom: 0}, 500); 

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