Make sure the footer stays at the bottom of the page when the page height is short

I need to place a footer on my webpage in a specific way:

  • It should be at the bottom of the page, even if the content in the main-container is short. In this case, a large vertical margin needs to be added that calculates as

    height(viewport) - height(main-container) - height(header)

  • The footer needs to be within the normal flow of the body, appearing after the <div id="main-container">, without using position: fixed or position: absolute.

  • If the main content in the main-container is lengthy (more than one page), then only a small margin should separate the main-container and the footer (opposite to the first point).

How can I achieve this?

#header { background-color: yellow; }
#main-container { background-color: red; }
#footer { background-color: green; }
<div id="header">Header</div>
<div id="main-container">
<div id="footer">
Bye-bye. <-- this should stay at the bottom even if main-container has minimal content

Answer №1

It appears to be a potential duplicate of Fill remaining vertical space with CSS using display:flex

You might want to consider using flex and flex-grow for this issue.

body {
#main-container {
#footer {}

/* = */
#header { background-color: yellow; }
#main-container { background-color: red; }
#footer { background-color: green; }
<div id="header">Header</div>
<div id="main-container" contentEditable>
<div id="footer">

For more information, check out this link:

Answer №2

Here is the code snippet you requested:

#footer {  position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 100%; height: 2rem; }
#main-container { padding-bottom: 2rem; }
<div id="main-container" contentEditable>
<div id="footer">

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