Maintaining an even distribution of flex children on each line as they wrap to the next line

I am curious about finding a way to maintain an even distribution of elements on each line, including the last one, using flex-wrap or any other flexbox technique.

For example, let's say I have a flexbox with 6 elements. When it wraps, I would like to have 3 elements on the first line and 3 on the second, or for both lines' total width to be approximately equal.

I don't want to resize the children or compromise the functionality of flexbox.

Currently, I am only able to achieve 5 elements on the first line and one on the last line.

ul {

You can view an example on jsfiddle here:

I believe that maintaining an even distribution across lines could enhance the visual appeal rather than wrapping elements individually.

Is there a solution to achieve this?

Answer №1

To control the size of flex items at different screen sizes, you can utilize media queries. For instance, at a specific breakpoint, you might want to set flex-basis: 33% to have three items on each line.

@media screen and ( max-width: 900px ) {
  li { flex-basis: 33%; }                    /* displaying three items per line */

@media screen and ( max-width: 600px ) {
  li { flex-basis: 50%; }                    /* showing two items per line */

@media screen and ( max-width: 300px ) {
  li { flex-basis: 100%; }                   /* one item per line */

Check out the jsFiddle example here

Answer №2

To ensure an equal number of elements per row, divide them into two sets of three elements each. This way, you will always have either a complete 6-element row or two rows with 3 elements each. This arrangement also maintains a nice symmetrical look with 'space-between' on both rows. I made some modifications to your Fiddle:

  • Separated the last 3 <li>s into a new <ul>.
  • Wrapped both <ul>s in a <section>.
  • Turned the <section> into a flex container.
  • Applies flex to both <ul>s.

    section {
      display: flex;
      justify-content: space-between;
      flex-flow: row wrap;


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