Maintain parental visibility with children when navigating to a different page

I am currently working on a vertical accordion menu that opens on hover, stays open, and closes when other items are hovered. The great assistance I received from @JDandChips has been instrumental in getting this feature up and running.

Now, my main focus is to enable the selection of a specific menu item (virtual-tour) to open the nested list. As users navigate through each link in this nested list, a new page is loaded (as it's Joomla!), and the nested list remains open only on these pages. Subsequently, when another link is clicked, it closes again. Here's what I have implemented so far...

 <script type="text/javascript">
 $(function () {
 $(" > li").hover(function () {

    //Don't do this again if the same menu is hovered
    if (!$(this).hasClass('selected')) {
        //Ensure any open sub-menu is closed.
        $("li.selected").children("ul").stop(true, true).slideUp(1000);
        //Open sub-menu


<ul class="menu-main">
/* Continued code */

</nav><!-- #nav -->

nav {

#nav-bg {
background:<?php echo $contactscheme ?>;

/* More CSS styles */

Answer №1

When you select an option from the menu, you will see that the chosen item becomes highlighted with the class "active". This can be useful for targeting and displaying specific items within the menu.

Below is the corresponding code snippet:

if($('.active.parent > ul').length > 0)
    $('.active.parent > ul').show();

The first line of code checks if there is an active element to prevent any potential script errors. The following code then displays the selected element. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you.

It's also recommended to use your developer tools (F12) in situations like this to inspect the DOM and identify elements with the active class.

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