Magellan in Foundation - stop applying the "top" style to the element

By default, Magellan (Sticky navigation's plugin in Foundation) adds the "top" property to an element. I want to prevent this from happening because I have a fixed top bar and I want the navigation to appear underneath it. The navigation display is animated and all properties are added through CSS, so I just need to prevent top: 0px from being added directly inline on the div.

This is what my code looks like:

<div class="sticky bar" data-magellan-expedition="fixed">...</div>

And here is my CSS: {
   bottom: auto;
   padding-bottom: 6px;
   z-index: 98;
   animation:subnav_sticky .2s;
   -webkit-animation:subnav_sticky .2s;

@keyframes subnav_sticky
   from {top:-33px;}
   to {top:45px;}
@-webkit-keyframes subnav_sticky /* Safari and Chrome */
   from {top:-33px;}
   to {top:45px;}

Is it possible to achieve this without modifying the JavaScript plugin?

Answer №1

I stumbled upon something quite interesting.

joseluisq's Javascript solution is truly impressive. I faced a problem with adding !important to CSS as it disrupted the animation in Firefox. However, I managed to find a workaround on the Foundation GitHub repository. Surprisingly, this solution wasn't documented anywhere...

The fix simply involves inserting data-magellan-top-offset into the element. In my case, it looked like this:

<div class="sticky bar" data-magellan-expedition="fixed" data-magellan-top-offset="45">...</div>

I hope this information proves to be beneficial for others as well ;)

Answer №2

Hey there, it looks like you're interested in updating the top property for Magellan. Magellan applies the top property value using JavaScript, so one approach is to try rewriting this property with !important in your CSS for a different top navigator.
Alternatively, you can use JavaScript to adjust the top value as needed:

   $('div[data-magellan-expedition=fixed]').css('top', 'your customized top value');

Best of luck!

Answer №3

Here's my implementation of magellan in javascript, hoping it can benefit someone else.

To set up magellan in JavaScript, you can follow the instructions from Foundation's website

"magellan-expedition": {
  active_class: 'active', 
  threshold: 0, 
  destination_threshold: 20, 
  throttle_delay: 50, 
  fixed_top: 0, 
  offset_by_height: true 

The key parameter to adjust is 'fixed_top' which determines the top distance of the nav element. Ensure it's set at 0 for proper functionality. Remember to load this script last to prevent any conflicts.

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