Looking to run a JavaScript command without the need for any triggering events?

Is there a way to execute the following JavaScript code without using any event and have it run at the start, onLoad of the page?

function calculateDiscount() {
  var totalPrice = document.getElementsByClassName("Total")[0].innerHTML;
  var discountedPrice = document.getElementsByClassName("DiscPrice")[0].innerHTML;
  var discountPercentage = ((totalPrice - discountedPrice) / totalPrice) * 100
  document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = discountPercentage + "% off";
<div class="Total">5000</div>
<div class="DiscPrice">3000</div>
<div id="demo"></div>
<button onclick="calculateDiscount()">Click</button>

Answer №1

function calculateDiscount(){
var totalAmount = document.getElementsByClassName("Total")[0].innerHTML;
var discountedPrice = document.getElementsByClassName("DiscPrice")[0].innerHTML;
var discountPercentage =((totalAmount - discountedPrice)/totalAmount) *100
document.getElementById("discountMessage").innerHTML = discountPercentage +"% off";


Answer №2

function calculateDiscount(){
var originalPrice = document.getElementsByClassName("Total")[0].innerHTML;
var discountedPrice = document.getElementsByClassName("DiscPrice")[0].innerHTML;
var discountPercentage = ((originalPrice - discountedPrice)/originalPrice) * 100;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = discountPercentage + "% off";
calculateDiscount(); // Execute this line to compute the discount as soon as the JS is loaded
<p class="Total">15</p>
<p class="DiscPrice">10</p>
<p id="demo"></p>

Next, ensure your script is included in the HTML. No need to manually trigger any event

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