Looking to create circular text using HTML, CSS, or JavaScript?

Is there a way to generate curved text in HTML5, CSS3, or JavaScript similar to the image linked above? I've experimented with transform: rotate(45deg); but that just rotates the text without curving it. Additionally, when using Lettering.JS to curve the text, it interferes with existing jQuery functionality. While the countdown feature still functions correctly, integrating it with Lettering.JS for curved text causes issues.

Answer №1

This technique can be achieved using SVG.

text {
  font-size: 18px;
  font-family: sans-serif;
<svg viewBox="0 0 130 130">

  <path id="MyPath" fill="none" stroke="lightblue"
        d="m10,45c53,-33 96,3 96,3" />

  <text><textPath href="#MyPath">CURVE ME!</textPath></text>


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