Looking for assistance with positioning elements in CSS?

Just starting out with CSS design and looking to create a page similar to the example below.

I've managed to separate the images using a span attribute, but I'm struggling with aligning the text and button in a single row.

This is what I have so far:

<div align="center">
    <span style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px">
     <img src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qaieI53CLSGGaM:http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-pp/rf-anechoic-test-chamber-206872.gif"/>
    <span style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px">
     <img alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qaieI53CLSGGaM:http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-pp/rf-anechoic-test-chamber-206872.gif"/>
    <span style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px">
     <img alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qaieI53CLSGGaM:http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-pp/rf-anechoic-test-chamber-206872.gif"/>
    <span style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px">
     <img alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qaieI53CLSGGaM:http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-pp/rf-anechoic-test-chamber-206872.gif"/>
    <span style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px">
     <img alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qaieI53CLSGGaM:http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-pp/rf-anechoic-test-chamber-206872.gif"/>
    <span style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px">
        <span>some text here</span>

However, my last div containing "some text here" and buttons is appearing at the bottom. I understand that I can achieve this layout using tables, but I'm hesitant to use a div tag inside a span tag.

Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

A "div" element is considered a block-level element, meaning it will always be displayed on a new line by default. However, you can use the CSS property "float: left" to override this behavior:

<div align="center">

    <div style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px; width: 100px; height: 100px; float: left">
     <img src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qaieI53CLSGGaM:http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-pp/rf-anechoic-test-chamber-206872.gif"/>
    <div style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px; width: 100px; height: 100px; float: left">
     <img alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qaieI53CLSGGaM:http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-pp/rf-anechoic-test-chamber-206872.gif"/>
    <div style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px; width: 100px; height: 100px; float: left">
     <img alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qaieI53CLSGGaM:http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-pp/rf-anechoic-test-chamber-206872.gif"/>
    <div style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px; width: 100px; height: 100px; float: left">
     <img alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qaieI53CLSGGaM:http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-pp/rf-anechoic-test-chamber-206872.gif"/>
    <div style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px; width: 100px; height: 100px; float: left">
     <img alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:qaieI53CLSGGaM:http://img.directindustry.com/images_di/photo-pp/rf-anechoic-test-chamber-206872.gif"/>
    <div style="border:1px solid #ECECEC;margin: 10px; width: 100px; height: 100px; float: left">
        some text here<br /><br />


Keep in mind that the "div" elements should have width and height attributes specified.

Answer №2

Experiment with using float:left or a comparable technique to achieve the desired outcome.

Answer №3

In my opinion, implementing display:inline on the div element would fulfill your requirements perfectly.

Answer №4

To resolve such issues, it is recommended to consistently employ the float:left property. By doing so, you can effectively prevent the div tag from creating a new line and unlock a range of powerful functionalities.

Answer №5

It seems like you have a good gut feeling about this. I recall reading somewhere that the W3C advises against using block elements (like div) within inline elements (such as span). It does seem strange from a semantic standpoint, almost like having a paragraph inside a sentence.

I believe switching that div to a span might give you the desired outcome. Alternatively, using <label> could be more semantically appropriate depending on the purpose of that final text.

<span>some example text here</span>

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