Looking for a HTML5 website similar to Benthebodyguard?

As someone without any programming experience in website development, I am interested in creating a simple website like , where users can scroll downward. My goal is to incorporate a feature that allows users to vote on whether they like or dislike 5-6 different images displayed on the website as they interact while scrolling. How can I achieve this?

Answer №2

To excel in web development, gaining hands-on experience is essential.

Explore resources on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and consider learning ASP.Net MVC for a well-rounded understanding.

Answer №3

SLaks makes a valid point, but everyone has to start somewhere. In my experience, one of the best resources for learning programming is www.w3schools.com. Their tutorials are extremely helpful in teaching you how to build basic websites.

Answer №4

Absolutely. A background in web development is essential.

To understand the functionality of benthebodyguard.com, check out this link:

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