I'm currently attempting to identify a specific span element with a particular class and then move up the DOM to find the closest div with another specified class in order to hide it. Is there something I might be overlooking?
Any insights as to why this isn't working would be greatly appreciated.
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($('.ty-product-detail .product-left .stock-wrap span').hasClass('ty-qty-out-of-stock')) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="ty-product-block ty-product-detail">
<div class="ty-product-block__wrapper clearfix">
<div class="ty-product-block__img-wrapper">
<div class="ty-product-block__img cm-reload-487" id="product_images_487_update">
<div class="ty-product-img cm-preview-wrapper">
<a id="det_img_link_48756b03bbdd708a_2203" data-ca-image-id="preview[product_images_48756b03bbdd708a]" class="cm-image-previewer cm-previewer ty-previewer" data-ca-image-width="550" data-ca-image-height="330" href="http://beanbags.ambientlounge.com/images/thumbnails/550/550/detailed/2/sakura-pink-2_te4i-3d.jpg?t=1449211457"
<img class="ty-pict " id...
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<!-- Inline script moved to the bottom of the page -->
<div clas...